The Process of Holiness

The Process of Holiness

Carla Burton

Regular price $130.00 Sale

Holiness is the very character of God and He has given us a plan to be able to conform to His image. This process of holiness will take our entire lives to accomplish. The key to walking forward in this process is to understand the principles regarding this topic from the Word of God and to discover how our culture has shifted through time to become what it represents today.  When you truly understand the blessing and protection released by obedience to holiness, then the ability to conform to His character becomes a beautiful process in our lives. 


Lesson 1:  Introduction & Attitude 

Lesson 2: Principles

Lesson 3: Separate & Dedicate

Lesson 4: Inward Holiness - A Renewed Mind

Lesson 5: Inward Holiness - Works of the Flesh, Guarding The Tongue & Abstaining From Evil

Lesson 6: Inward Holiness - Fruits of Holiness

Lesson 7:  Outward Holiness - Introduction

Lesson 8 Pt 1: Outward Holiness - Principle Standards: Dress

Lesson 8 Pt 2: Outward Holiness - Principle Standards: Hair 

Lesson 9: Outward Holiness - Positional Standards: Make-up, Jewelry, Tattoos & Piercings

 Special Offer! Buy this series today and receive a Special Bonus Lesson:  Holiness and Media for free! (Bonus lesson will be available in a couple of months)