365 Day Devotional
This book is the first 365 daily devotional written exclusively by Apostolic women. It is filled with uplifting, challenging, and encouraging devotionals to inspire, direct, and strengthen you in your daily walk with God. All of the contributors are active in ministry and a vital part of A Passion Approach. Our desire is that you grow and are transformed by His Word on a daily basis as you walk through this book.

Voice Of The Elders
The world is full of many voices competing for our hearts and minds. And in all the cacophony of noise, we can lose the thread of our history. In the multitude of media overwhelming us, we can miss the echoes of our elders. We owe all that we are as Apostolic Believers to the voices represented in our new series Voice of the Elders. Their life story must be woven into the fabric of our lives and their voices must be heard above the volume of narratives exploding around us. A Passion Approach feels so strongly about the value of these voices that all the videos in this series are FREE. And to let you know we appreciate you stopping to hear the invaluable stories of our elders, once you download these videos we have a special offer coming your way.